dessert table quantities
Ideas include:
How many items to have on a dessert table
How many desserts to allow per person
How many different dessert options to let guests choose from
How many of each dessert to make / order
Tips to ensure you don’t run out on the day
i’m matt james
professional event producer

01 number of desserts per person
Tips for calculating the number of dessert portions to allow per person
02 number of dessert options
How many different dessert options to allow guests to choose from
03 total number of desserts
How to calculate the total number of dessert portions to order
04 how many of each dessert
How to decide how many of each dessert option to order
05 back up & filler options
How to ensure you don’t run out of desserts on the day
in this section
dessert table quantities
in this section
01 no. of desserts per person
in this section
02 no. of dessert options
in this section
03 total no. of dessert portions
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in this section
04 quantity of each dessert
first consideration
will there be cake?
second consideration
do i want more variety?
third consideration
which desserts are cheaper?
fourth consideration
have guests had a big meal?
fifth consideration
what are the easiest options?
in this section
05 back up & filler options
Filler treats
back up options
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dessert table food ideas
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